Maria Spina
Maria Spina, proud parent to three Montgomery students, and a twenty-year veteran educator, is seeking re-election to the Montgomery Board of Education. Since 2022, Maria has served the community in her board roles as liaison to Montgomery Rocky Hill Municipal Alliance, Somerset County Educational Services Commission, and the Montgomery Special Education PTA (MSEPTA/MSEPAG), as well as in her committee work with the Special Education Ad/Hoc and as chair of Equity Ad/Hoc.
Maria holds her Master of Arts in Education from Georgian Court University and Master of Education in School Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education. Currently, Maria serves as the Math Specialist for New Brunswick Middle School. Maria’s experience in a variety of K-12 settings has proven valuable to understanding the operational needs of our district while maintaining a keen awareness of our strategic goals.
As your continued Board of Education member, Maria Spina will focus her attention on our newly adopted goals for the student experience, community engagement, and culture and climate, continuing to be a proponent for excellent academic and extracurricular programs and an advocate for opportunities, access and support for all of Montgomery’s students.